Monday, February 13, 2012

High and Dry

Well, a big week for the Big Venture!
The boat is in unfamiliar waters, which is to say, it's not in water...

Pulling the boat out of the water was the first step in getting it ready for the highway ride to the coast.  I'll be putting in at a boat yard in New Bern NC. on Wednesday the 15th.

It was a very eerie feeling watching my home get lifted out and hovering a few feet above where it belongs, but the doubt of seeing that way was quickly sideswiped by the knowledge that once it gets wet again, it will really be home in the open waters del mar.

The "MobileCrane" was pretty impressive lifting the 10,600 pounds out like it was picking up the dog.

A photo for scale here with the car pulled right up to the dry berth.  Boats look much bigger out of the water, and having to climb up a ladder to board is a strange twist as well.  The hull is in much better shape than I expected, with the paint being even and without too many blisters.  Since the money to repaint the hull is non-existent, it's great news that there aren't cracks and blisters all over the place. 

This was a somewhat nerve racking experience as a crane lifted the mast off the deck to lay it beside the boat, where I immediately got to work running new lines and figuring out how to pull it apart.

A short video that shows the delicate process of stepping a mast.  Had to help for the last bit...

And here she is, all disfigured and embarrassed, showing too much skin to be a real lady.

Next you'll see photos of the boat going on the trailer and then into the water at the coast (if all goes well!).
Til' next time,

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